Lena Esmail

Empowering Women in Healthcare Leadership: Lessons from the Field

As the CEO of QuickMed, I have navigated the many facets of healthcare leadership with a perspective influenced by both my personal experiences and the broader challenges that women often face in this demanding field. The path to leadership in healthcare is not just a journey of navigating the complexities of medical and business environments but also about overcoming the gender-specific barriers that persist even in progressive societies. Today, I want to share my experiences and the lessons I’ve learned along the way, with a focus on empowering other women aspiring to leadership roles in healthcare.

Embracing Your Unique Perspective

One of the first lessons I learned was the importance of embracing and asserting my unique perspective as a woman in healthcare. Early in my career, I realized that my insights, particularly those shaped by my background in nursing and my firsthand interactions with patients, were invaluable in administrative and strategic discussions. Women often bring different viewpoints and strengths to the table, such as empathy, inclusivity, and a holistic approach to patient care—qualities that enhance decision-making processes and promote more comprehensive healthcare solutions.

Building a Network of Support

The significance of building a strong professional network cannot be overstressed. For women in healthcare, this network is not just a platform for career opportunities but also a source of mentorship, support, and advocacy. It’s crucial to connect with both male and female leaders who can provide guidance, challenge your thinking, and support your growth. In my journey, I have been fortunate to have mentors who encouraged me to take on leadership roles and helped navigate the challenges that come with them. Remember, networking is a two-way street; as you grow, look for opportunities to support and mentor others.

Advocating for Yourself and Others

Advocacy is a powerful tool for change, both within organizations and in the broader healthcare industry. Women in leadership roles have the platform to advocate for policies and practices that support gender equity, work-life balance, and professional development for women. At QuickMed, I have implemented policies that help all employees, but particularly women, to thrive both personally and professionally. This includes flexible working conditions, leadership training programs, and ensuring that women are represented in all decision-making processes. By advocating for these changes, we not only create a better work environment but also set a standard for the industry.

Overcoming Challenges with Resilience

Leadership comes with its challenges, and for women, these can often be compounded by societal expectations and structural inequalities. There have been numerous instances in my career where I had to prove my worth beyond what was expected of my male counterparts. Overcoming these challenges requires resilience and a strong belief in one’s abilities. It’s important to stay focused on your goals, continue to deliver excellence, and use setbacks as stepping stones. Resilience is not just about bouncing back but also about pushing forward with greater strength.

Celebrating Achievements

As women, we sometimes tend to underplay our achievements or attribute our success to external factors. It is important to celebrate our successes and own our contributions fully. This not only boosts our confidence but also inspires other women to aim high. At QuickMed, we make it a point to celebrate the achievements of all our staff, but I take special pride in highlighting the successes of women who are breaking new ground, leading by example, and setting new benchmarks in healthcare.

The Path Forward

Looking to the future, I am optimistic about the increasing number of women entering healthcare leadership roles. The landscape is changing, albeit slowly, and each of us has a role to play in accelerating this change. We need to continue to support one another, challenge the status quo, and build environments where the next generation of women healthcare leaders can thrive.


Empowering women in healthcare leadership is not just about providing opportunities for a few; it’s about transforming the industry to better reflect and respond to the needs of the community it serves. As women, we bring important perspectives and values to leadership—empathy, inclusivity, and a holistic view of care—that are essential for the future of healthcare. Let us embrace our strengths, support each other, advocate for meaningful change, and lead with courage and clarity. Together, we can shape a healthcare system that is not only more equitable but also more effective at meeting the diverse needs of our societies.

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